I’ve neglected the blog since april sadly. I didn’t do a very good job with my picture a day either.  Here’s to more posts in 2012. First I’ll Start with my Winterish yearly review! CHEERS to a wonderful 2011!


Karl and I started off the new year right at our favorite coffee place, Coffee Emporium. Neko enjoyed her favorite spot too!


As in true winter spirit we went with several friends curling. Yes, CURLING.  Sadly, I don’t have any pictures of the actual ice-capades.  But, I do have some evidence of Karl and I dressed up as the next U.S. curling champions! We were a force to be reckoned with on ice!

We also did some traveling…

Jacksonville for the Run For Donna !  We met my family there. My sister-in-law ran her first marathon coming off a nasty GI virus. Go Chrissy! Karl and I ran the half and then ran the end with her totaling around 20 miles.  Not too bad for very little training. But a better decision than trying to run the entire thing with my longest run in months being 8 miles:)

We also got to visit the beach. Sadly a little too chilly to be swimming, but we did have a lovely time bird watching!

Then a few weeks later we met our dear friends Jeff and Jill for a weekend in NYC!

and sipped on our favorite west coast coffee, Stumptown, east coast style!


Just some fun home adventures.  We made some cinnamon icing/oatmeal whoopie pies, homemade peppermint/almond marshmallows ( okay so maybe those were made by Karl for Xmas 2010- but i ate them all in 2011 so that counts, right?)

And.. last but not least because she is cute. Some pictures of Neko.  I can’t resist!

Next up Spring review! and likely some more picture of neko.



adventures in curling

January 6, 2011

No, not the hair, gym, or snuggling type.  The sport. Last night Karl and I made our debut as phenoms in the Canadian favorite pastime sport (besides hockey) curling.  It’s a lot more fun and harder than you can imagine. I think its my new favorite winter sport. Watch out 2014 olympics Team Erikarl is on the prowl!





hey there!  you’ve found our new web page.  we’ve got big plans for this thing, so be sure to check back frequently!