All things white, cuddly, and soft.

January 6, 2011

We had the first real snow of winter earlier in December.  Today, however, was the first official snow of 2011.  It wasn’t much more than a dusting, but I definitely saw some flakes out there!  Most of the time, snow is associated with school closings, long commutes on icy roads, cold frigid temps, shoveling sidewalks, long dreary day with little sunlight. Those are some of the unpleasantries that come with winter. Fortunately for me, snow has symbolic of really great things for me like meeting new people (my husby), marriages ( I feel an anniversary coming on), and best of all  furriest of all puppies!  I wanted to take a picture of the snow today but it was sadly too dark when I got home.  I’m settling for the next best picture- the first day I met Neko. This was  also the first day she met snow!

Erika 284

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