flower power
vegetable soup for the soul
a walk in the park
little bird
January 29, 2011
A little birdie once told me once to play nicely with others. Aren’t little birds great? What has a little birdie told you lately?
Oh and I’m a huge fan of editing these days. I have really no idea technically what I’m doing but I’ve been able to create some pretty interesting shots. The 1st pic was my attempt at editing to show more contrast with the bird, the 2nd shot was one of the preset editing tools, and the 3rd was the original picture. which birdie do you like? I like all 3!
monkey business
oh my darling…
January 25, 2011
Its Tuesday. Man my mind was somewhere else today. I put neko in the car with the intentions of taking her to doggie daycare and then forgot she was in the car and made it halfway to work before I even remembered she was in the car. So we just declared it take your dog to work day- no harm in that! She was rescued soon after arrival at work so it wasn’t too traumatic. I also forgot a few documents I had been working on. I can be absentminded sometime but I think I took it to a new level today I think I was dreaming of being back here…