January 27, 2011
Its Tuesday. Man my mind was somewhere else today. I put neko in the car with the intentions of taking her to doggie daycare and then forgot she was in the car and made it halfway to work before I even remembered she was in the car. So we just declared it take your dog to work day- no harm in that! She was rescued soon after arrival at work so it wasn’t too traumatic. I also forgot a few documents I had been working on. I can be absentminded sometime but I think I took it to a new level today I think I was dreaming of being back here…
So my husband tried to scare me today with and article that explains the dangers of letting your pet sleep with you in bed. Who wouldn’t let a 140 lb ball of fur snuggle up with them at night. Who cares about all the bacteria (MRSA), possible fleas, and other crazy parasites that you could possibly be exposing yourself to. I get exposed to way more gross stuff at work on a daily basis. I’m ready and willing to risk a life threatening illness for a few hours of snuggle time with my furry buddy! aren’t you?
Today is the beginning of the end of an era. Okay, so maybe that is a little too dramatic. I usually view change as scary. It is uncomfortable and usually being uncomfortable makes me cautious and timid.
(yeah ,yeah I know that this is a sad representation of change but its been a long week) This time it is different. We accepted an offer on the house which means a lot of change is likely to come soon! It’s very exciting and sometimes a change is just good!
Who doesn’t love freshly baked bread. I guess those people who have a gluten allergy? The past 2 weekends I have somehow managed to convince my husby to bake me bread. I like to think its because I’m so sweet and cute. I mean come on, its hard to turn down this face, right?
For some reason it works like a charm, and I’m going with it. If you had someone that could make something like this, wouldn’t you beg for it every weekend too?
Have you ever wanted to jump into a gigantic jar of marshmallows? okay, maybe I’m the only one that has ever had that dream. I got to come close this Christmas when Karl made me a ginormous (yes, that’s a word) bowl of homemade peppermint and almond marshmallows.
And what else to go with that you ask?
Hot Cocoa?