Oh happy day

January 4, 2011

Tuesday is undoubtedly my least favorite day of the week. Mostly, I just have a longer work day which makes me grumble a bit. But, in order to stay positive, every week I try to think of something in the morning to cheer me up.  And what is more cheerful than a child swinging, especially when they are as cute as my niece Amelia!  I am not sure which shot I like better the original or the attempted edited version. 

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Oh to be a kid again!!!!!

Bad Dog

January 3, 2011

So I was going to post this awesome picture Karl took in honor of the first Monday of the year when Coffee might be one of the most essential parts of starting off the day right!


But then I came home to my little sweet Neko who decided to try a hand in making cornbread but realized that there were other ingredients besides cornmeal needed…

bad dog

2011 365 day Project

So, in hopes to actually learn more about photography I’ve decided to start out the new year with a 1 picture a day post.  I may use old photos and try to edit them, or new ones that I take throughout the year.  Here Goes….

January 2,2011


This is from Sanibel in October at sunset

2010 review

So for the new year I’m resurrecting the erikarl blog.  Mostly for myself to get myself to take more pictures ( ha after putting this together I don’t really think thats an issue). But I hope to learn more about photography and hope that this will be an avenue to pursue that.

I must say 2010 wasn’t too shabby. Here area few of the highlights …


I changed my name from Waz to Dollard

Then went across the very large pond to Oz

Where I got the chance to hang out with a few of these guys

and lets not forget these guys who showed us how to rock out Aussie style!

We also got to go to the Australian Open in Melbourne

and then got caught in a cyclone while attempting to go diving in Port Douglas at the Great Barrier Reef

We celebrated Lisa and Dan’s Big Day! Sadly I don’t have any pictures of Lisa- Just some of the knit night girls hanging out


We ran a wet Flying Pig 1/2 Marathon with very little training. We have shared many of our long runs throughout the past few years with Alli and Joel

Karl got a bike and he completed his first triathlon. We also completed 2 other ones this year!  (Tri for Joe (Sprint Duathlon), Cincinnati Triathlon (olympic), and the Great Buckeye Challenge (olympic).

We traveled to San Francisco (one last hurray for before Karl’s project there was complete)


Took my Physician Assistant board recertification so i could keep my job!

We met one weekend in  Atlanta to see Ashley and Amelia’s 1st Dance recital


We witnessed the little brother (in law) graduate from Ohio State.


Karl took a new job assignment in NYC so I went out and visited him where we went to the US OPEN  (2 grand slams in one year!)  only 1 more to see.

From NY we went up to visit Chrissy and her mom in New Hampshire/Rhode Island and spent the weekend by the beach!


Celebrated Devon’s 30th Birthday


camping in Virginia to see Jeff’s new crib and took a detour through hershey,Pa!

The Sunflower Revolution Ride (100k)

Made it back to Illinois for the Decatur Celebration and saw some old childhood friends

Sanibel for Jeff and Jill’s Wedding, look at this beautiful bride and hang out with some friends all weekend!

Decided to put the house up for sale so we worked hard to finally put away boxes from the move and update the house a little bit

Ran The Marine Corp Marathon in Washington DC where I unofficially broke the 4 hour mark and beat the Hubby! Probably the first and last time I’ll ever get to say that.

The fam drove up from Atlanta to spend some time here in cincy and Ashley learned to ride her bike!

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then we drove down to Atlanta for Thanksgiving


Babs met Karl and I out in NYC for the weekend to frolic around the city for a bit.

And there were some holiday festivities with friends


And then there was Christmas with family and dogs!!

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2010 was absolutely amazing and I have so many blessing to be thankful for.  I can’t wait to see what 2011 has in store…


okey dokers – so we made it back from the land down under safely, if not soundly.

a few highlights:

  • australia is very far away
  • i got mono! (no unfortunately i’m not saying monkey in spanish)
  • we cuddled a koala
  • cyclones stink

we’ll post some pictures in the near future, after we delete all the ones that aren’t for public consumption.

however, we do have some wedding pictures –

some pictures are here: http://www.cuccaresephotography.com/erikarl/

the rest are here: http://www.cuccaresephotography.com/erikarlwedding/


the deed is done!

well we successfully managed to become unionized!  the entire day was just about as perfect as it could be and we are both so very happy and appreciative of everyone who came and participated in our celebration!  we’ll post pictures and more fun stuff soon!

the erikarl 5kish!

wedding.  what immediately comes to mind?  love, flowers, cute little kids toddling down the isle scattering bits of vivisected flora?  no, of course not – you think that there is no way that you are going to be able to burn off all the calories from the 7 or 8 slices of wedding cake that you will inevitably eat.  and so close to the new year too!  there goes that resolution.

well this wedding has a solution to that particular little problem.  the morning of the wedding, rain or shine (well, maybe just shine), we are going to embark on a magical running extravaganza that is close enough to 5 kilometers.  you know, like when you set out to do a 15 miler and your GPS watch says 14.72, and someone asks you how far you ran – you tell them you did 15.  cause it’s close enough.  true, our little race will not be usatf certified, but it should be fun.  and there will be prizes to be awarded at the wedding.  if you don’t happen to be invited to the wedding (then really, why are you wasting your time on this blog?), then you are still more than welcome to come and race, but try not to win, cause, well, that would just be awkward when we awarded the prize.  i guess we could mail it to you or something.

anyway, here is the info:

the obligatory facebook event: http://www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=214468442506&index=1

the course (subject to detours and other flights of whimsy): http://www.gmap-pedometer.com/?r=3374221%20


he’s making his list, checking it twice…

ok, you can’t say you haven’t had fair warning.  now, i’ll give you the benefit of the doubt.  maybe your rsvp got lost in the mail, maybe it got swallowed by hackers on the internet, or maybe its sitting on your fridge right next to that picture of uncle fred with watermelon on his head.  maybe it’s been partially obscured by that hilarious cartoon that you read in the office and seemed so shockingly apropos.  i get it.  it happens.  but let’s fix it.  you can still get off scott free… if you haven’t rsvp’d or if you aren’t sure, go ahead send it in, or just click the link – its right over there ( –> ).  but we know who you are.  not mentioning any names, but…

D.&J. C.
B.&J. C.
C.&C. D.
R. G.
R. G.
C.&D. G.
J.&P. H.
J. H.
L.&P. H.
P. H.
J.&S. K.
A.&B. M.
M. M.
G.&D. M.
M.&J. M.
K.&N. R.
R.&B. R.
M.&S. S.
S. T.
M. T.
C.&G. W.
M.&K. W.
D.&A. W.
N. W.
B.&S. W.
J.&D. W.

one month – w00t!

the erikarl wedding is one month from today!  who’s excited?  i am! i am!  if you haven’t already, get your rsvp in for the party of the year*!

remember, non-rsvp’rs will be forced to do some sort of embarrassing dance in a very public place, and will not get to partake in the giant cheese wheel.  don’t make me start naming names right here on this very popular, well-read blog.

*2010, year to date.

a horse’s pitoot…

…that’s what i feel like.  here i go berating all y’all for not rsvp’ing, and the whole time (well, part of it anyway) the durn online thingy-ma-jigger wasn’t workin’!  i do beg your pardon.  now, if you would be so kind, why don’t you mosey on over to the rsvp doohicky on the right there, and do what needs doin’.  much obliged.